The bags of chips were impossible to get hold of in my childhood. That was due to the most successful craze ever: saving Flippos. 95% of children between the ages of 6 and 12 saved them and the craze lasted no less than 3 years. Now I think that with the Whatsapp Number List current anti-plastic sentiment, such a savings campaign will not get off the ground any time soon. Recently, however, a whole new craze has arisen in the field of digital collectibles: non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In this article I discuss what NFTs are and what you can do with them.
An animation of a flying cat sold for $600,000, a virtual card of Homer Simpson for $320,000. You can also bid on the Twitter founder's first Tweet. And Elon Musk made a song about NFTs that he offered as NFT… Also read the follow-up to Whatsapp Number List this article: NFTs: how to make them yourself & 4 bottlenecks for the future View this post on Instagram A post shared by Peter Kell (@zippi101) Collecting as a hobby Precious collectibles are timeless.
Now for a full folder of Flippos, which I think many people still have in the attic, you might get a tenner on Marktplaats. Unique baseball cards have grossed over $3 million in the United States . Blockchain technology has now also given the Whatsapp Number List opportunity to sell unique collectibles digitally. This was already known in 2018 by Cryptokitties . This allows you to purchase and breed unique digital cats, sometimes for more than a ton . Meanwhile, the NFT market has grown strongly to a size of $250 million and is about to explode.