Asia South America and the Pacific Islands. Many people throw away all their garbage in a special bin, hoping that it will be recycled. However, environmentalists and waste management companies are calling for this approach to be abandoned. What is vishcycling Vishcycling (from the English wish - "desire" and recycling - "recycling") is an insistent desire to recycle any unnecessary things and waste, even those that cannot be recycled. Hope is central to vishcycling. People are not sure that all waste will be properly recycled. However, they do not want to understand and prefer to think that if they throw garbage into recycling bins.
Then it will become a new thing and will not end up in a landfill and, therefore, will not harm the environment. How the illusion of recycling was formed The recycling industry began in the 1970s in the whatsapp mobile number list United States in response to people's concerns about the accumulation of garbage. the consumer's perception of waste: they no longer seem harmful, as they could get a second life in the form of new things. Through the efforts of the government, corporations and environmentalists, recycling in the United States has become popular.
This was especially true for plastic products, whose identification codes were a triangle of arrows with a number inside (from 1 to 7). Externally, the symbol said that the product can be recycled. However, this did not correspond to the truth - in fact, only products with the numbers 1 and 2 can be easily recycled. In order not to mislead people, in 2013 in the USA the triangle of arrows was replaced with a regular one. How Wishcycling Started Since the early 2000s, Western European countries and the United States have shipped millions of tons of scrap metal, paper and plastic to China for recycling. For rich countries, it was an easy and cheap way to get rid of garbage; for China, it was an opportunity to earn money.